Thursday, February 23, 2012

My 3 choices.

Democracy: The right way.
Elements of Design 
Line: Straight , horizontal, vertical & curvy line used.
Shape: Square, circle. Easily defined
 Value: Strong contrast between orange and grey people.

  Color: bright and saturated.
 Texture: rough

Principles of Design
Hierarchy: Focuses more on the people.
Gradation is static. from light to dark 
 Repetition: Less. Only in the people. 
 Unity: Yes, sense of completion

Do not judge.
Elements of Design 
Line: Straight, horizontal, vertical & curvy line used.  
Shape: Can be easily defined. Human body. 
 Value: Strong contrast between the black and white colours.
  Color: black and white.
 Texture: Visual
 Alignment & Proportion:Two Dimensional Art.

 Eye movement: Yes

Principles of Design
Hierachy: Emphasized more on the shadow.
Balance: Yes, asymmetrical balaced 
 Repetition: Repetition in the human shape of their shadows
 Scale: Normal
 Dominance in size to add interest.

Which face should I wear today?
A revised version.

Elements of Design
Line: Straight, horizontal, vertical & curvy line used.  
Shape: Mask and human body.
 Value: Strong contrast between the mask colors due to different expressions

  Color: Varies with different masks.
 Texture: Visual

 Eye movement: Yes

Principles of Design
Hierachy: Focuses more on the masks expressions.
Balance: Yes, asymmetrical balaced 
 Repetition: Yes,repetition of the outline of the masks.
 Scale: Masks looks bigger compare to the body.
 Unity: Yes, sense of completion

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