Monday, January 9, 2012

About Me, Myself and MyDreams

My name is Denzie Cheah and I'm currently in my 1st year 3rd semester of my Psychology degree program in HELP University. My reason for taking psychology is so that I can have a better understanding on not only myself but also the people around me. It actually struck me that the human mind is so complex and profound that I wanted to know more into detail about it.

I've decided to take up this design class as an elective as I think I could use the skills in the near future. Not only that, designing has been a hobby to me since a very young age as I love to draw. Aside from that, I also want to take this opportunity to learn on how to use Adobe Photoshop in more detail to improve my designing skills and also have fun while editing photos of my friends and I.

My dream for success is not to be a well-known psychologist but someone who is able to understand the people around me as well as being able to have a highly active social life. I want to be able to understand all kinds of people and also be able to mix around well with others.My vision is to understand people regardless their differences because we are all the same. Skin, races, religion are no way to define someone. That is why I will give it my all to become the man I want to be.

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