Saturday, March 31, 2012

Design Project 3: Execution.Craftsmanship - Selected Sketch 2

Theme: Society and Culture series
Art movement: Street Art
Reference Artist: Banksy

my 2nd sketch: Do not judge
Firstly, I had to remove the colors I painted earlier on. So I used the
[clone tool] to erase the parts that I did not want.

Alt + leftclick to select the color.

Then i needed to recolor the clothes of the man. So i used the [magnetic lasso tool]
to select the area I wanted and painted it black with the
[brush tool]
I then used [lasso tool] to refine the selected area.
shift + left click to add area.
alt + left click to delete area. 
I did the same for the body and skin of the man. but instead of black, I used a darker brown.
I then refined the edges of the picture with the [brush tool] so it stands out more
I then used the [magnetic lasso tool] again to select the shadow and colored
it with grey color using the [brush tool]. As you can see,
not all parts were selected so I had to use the [Lasso tool] to refine the areas
that I wanted.

Then I color the outlines of the shadow so it looks nicer.

The same steps were taken for the girl. But instead of grey color for the shadow, I used red.
and her dress and skin color were also different.

I then added this texture to the picture. 
And set the [blending options] to [multiply] with an opacity of [65%]

This was the end result

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